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Paris Match "Le Sport Se Voile La Face”

2012. "Sport Sails The Face" Interviewed by Alvina Ledru as an expert at Paris Match, July 18.

Sertac Sehlikoglu, author of the blog "Muslim Women in Sport" and interviewed by, is pleased "This is a very positive political stance, especially since sport has become a tool for emancipation for women. And FIFA does not neglect the emancipation of veiled women. It also highlights the influence of such an act: "I think that FIFA has taken a step towards a positive change, and this will definitely influence the attitudes of Islamist countries towards Olympic sportsmen. She launched a campaign, "#IranianFemaleOlympiansRighttoUnveil", to support Iranian women at the London Games. If the controversy swells in France, the FFF has however made things clear for French sportswear: the wearing of the veil will not be allowed on the grounds.

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